Vancouver style is essential for publication in Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. References should be cited in consecutive numerical order as first mentioned in the text and designated by the reference number in superscript. References appearing in a table or figure should be numbered sequentially with those in text.
The Journal follows Index Medicus style for references and abbreviated journal names according to the list of Journals indexed in Index Medicus:
"Unpublished observations" and "personal communications" should not be used as references, although written-not verbal-communications may be noted as such in the text. References cited as "in press" must have been accepted and not merely in preparation or submitted. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all references and must verify them against the original document.
If there are more than six authors, write et al after the first six names.
Authors may use the NLM guide which gives details regarding each citation:
“JPMA References style’s Endnote download from here .