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House Style
  • • Manuscript must be written in ‘British English’. Non-native English speakers must seek the assistance of experienced, English-speaking medical editors if in doubt. Taking feedback from your colleagues also makes the manuscript writing more productive, versatile and simple for the readers.
  • Sentences should be properly structured instead of giving brackets within a sentence. For example, the study participants (women of age group 25-30 years) were approached for the interviews. The correct way is ‘The study participants included women of age group 25-30 years. They were approached for interviews.’
  • Present decimal figures up to 2 decimals only. e.g. 0.07 is correct instead of 0.071.
  • Use the full form of an abbreviation initially in the text before using the abbreviated form.
  • Avoid capitalisation except for proper nouns and where it is grammatically required.
  • Do not start a sentence with a number.

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association has agreed to receive and publish manuscripts in accordance with the principles of the following committees: