April 2022, Volume 72, Issue 4
Urolithiasis is the most common urologic disease in Pakistan, which is treated and managed by urologists throughout their careers.1 Its exact prevalence and incidence has never been investigated in the country, but a few rough estimates show the disease prevalence to be 9-15%.2 The oldest study on urolithiasis on 400 patients, was published in 1975, which showed predominantly bladder stone disease accounting for 60% of all cases.3 After the first publication, about 35 papers have been published on this subject from Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT), Karachi, Pakistan. SIUT is a major tertiary care urology and nephrology center with a catchment area extending to almost the entire country.
Women's health indicates an intimate health of a woman that is different from that of a man in many peculiar terms. The way a woman manifests her health and disease is quite different than that of a man with respect to her unique biological, behavioural and social perspectives. Although the biological differences are associated with high risk of developing ill health, the gender-differentiated access to medical interventions and basic education along with other socioeconomic factors play an important role in women's primary health care.1,2 In the whole world, woman's health is directly related to her reproductive health i.e. menstruation, birth control and menopause while ignoring all other health related issues.2,3 The WHO states that an undue focus on reproductive health deprives all women from getting good quality health care.4 So, the replacement of "Women's Health" with "The Health of Women" is a pressing need of time as women require health care and health care system more than that of men not just due to their reproductive and sexual health needs but also they have more chronic conditions like Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular diseases, mental illness and malignancies.5
Short Reports
Mahanoor Raza , et al
How to teach ethics to the undergraduates in clinical context?
Khurram Niaz , et al
Short Communication
Letter to the Editor
Stockholm3 - A new option to detect Prostate Cancer
Moosa Zulfiqar Ali , et al
Rehabilitation of hemispatial neglect in stroke
Muhammad Tawab Khalil , et al
Narrative Review
Sound: Production, perception, hearing loss and treatment options
Bibi Kulsoom , et al
Sarcoidosis: An experience from a tertiary care center in Karachi Pakistan
Mustafa Ali Khan , et al
The incidence of Mucormycosis superinfection: A challenge to current Covid-19 pandemic
Ahmed Kamal Siddiqi , et al
Emerging cases of rabies amidst COVID-19 in Pakistan: A new threat?
Harendra Kumar , et al
Virtual reality — A means to train surgeons of tomorrow amidst Covid-19
Muhammad Umar Nasir , et al
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