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October 2021, Volume 71, Issue 10


Inclusion of Research Methodology as a Major Subject in the Curriculum of Medical Studies in Pakistan

Usama Iqbal

Modern practice of medicine has evolved from intuitions and personal rationales to evidence based medicine (EBM). EBM demands a clinician to remain up to date with new developments, and to justify his/her decisions of clinical practice based on available evidence about the topic of interest. Research, critical thinking and literature search are part and parcel of EBM. A clinician should have a basic insight of research methodology and literature search even if they are not directly involved in a research project.

Nephrolithiasis: What role a nephrologist can play in prevention and management

Rubina Naqvi

Nephrolithiasis; is a common condition faced by surgeons and physicians dealing with renal disorders. It is more common in some parts of world than others and our country Pakistan lies in Afro-Asian stone belt. The highest prevalence was reported from Sindh and Punjab provinces in a survey done in 1930, when these provinces were part of united Indo-Pak region.1 The exact burden of disease in the country according to published reports shows a prevalence of 3-12%.2,3 Males are more commonly affected by renal stones as compared to females.4



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