The mental health issues of eunuchs in the context of social exclusion
February-B 2021, Volume 71, Issue 2
The current COVID-19 vaccine research and development raises many medical and ethical questions which have to be addressed by all stakeholders. No doubt, it is the need of the day to overcome the pandemic, but the importance of research ethics has to be maintained. The safety and well-being of research subjects must be protected, especially that of the vulnerable group. The approval of the Ethics committee before implementing the research and consent of the population is mandatory.
Awareness of diabetic retinopathy among diabetic patients
Amna Rizwan , et al
Family cohesion and depression in adolescents: A mediating role of self-confidence
Sayyeda Taskeen Zahra , et al
From professionalism to commercialism in healthcare: a phenomenological study
Muhammad Hanif Malik , et al
Short Reports
Naureen Tassadaq , et al
Gull Zareen , et al
Perception of peer teaching on learning anatomy: A qualitative study
Faiza Umbreen , et al
Letter to the Editor
Frequency of gall bladder carcinoma in cholecystectomies performed for symptomatic cholelithiasis
Muhammad Amar Qudeer , et al
Shalla Imdad Ali , et al
Muhammad Hasan , et al
Quality assurance audit in adult cardiac anaesthesia
Syed Shabbir Ahmed , et al
Special Report
Innovation in emergency medicine; a perspective from a low middle income country, Pakistan
Mirza Noor Ali Baig , et al
Narrative Review
CRISPR Cas System: An efficient tool for cancer modelling
Mehran Akhtar , et al
Munaza Bibi , et al
Major factors responsible for child malnutrition: A review
Noor Shahid , et al
Extramedullary myeloma in ectopic parathyroid adenoma: A case report
Nagehan Ozdemir Barisik , et al
A ruptured seventeen weeks’ ectopic pregnancy: A case report
Usama Shabbir , et al
Neck exploration for a huge synovial sarcoma, case report and literature review
Ahmed Siddique Ammar , et al
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