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December-A 2020, Volume 70, Issue 12


Disability in Pakistan: Past experiences, current situation and future directions

Sarah Razzaq  , Farooq Azam Rathore

The world disability day is celebrated all around the globe on 3rd December every year. It is a day marked by disability awareness walks, official statements by the governments, functions held by the persons with disability (PWD) and the social organizations working in the field of disability management. However, for many developing countries like Pakistan this is the only day that PWD and their problems get attention.

Surgical Informed Consent: Utilizing a Formal Process as a Valuable Patient Education Tool

Muhammad Asharib Arshad  , Syed Muhammad Hammad Ali  , Ahmad Majzoub

Informed consent is considered an essential component of medical ethics and it revolves around the principle of autonomy. Previously, a doctor used to make decisions on behalf of his/her patient, an approach better known as ‘paternalistic’. Nowadays, every patient has the right to freely express his/her acceptance or refusal to undergo any proposed medical intervention.



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