July 2020, Volume 70, Issue 7
Coronavirus, COVID-19 emerged on the horizon, out of the blue and engulfed the mankind like the biblical plagues. The humanity is fighting a battle of its very survival in the spring of 2020. The superpowers which never yielded to the mightiest of powers, have all but succumbed to a nano particle. A nano particle which is incapable to reproduce itself nor survive on its own except through a medium. Human arrogance is brought down to earth in a jiffy! Many an ethical question have cropped up during this global challenge. None more obvious than the moral question of duty of care by the health professionals.
Today the higher risk of global catastrophe does not look like a nuclear war. Instead it is a viral infection in the shape of COVID19 with no remedy available. In times of war, one goes down the bunkers with enough food and water stored to keep oneself safe from nuclear radiations. The question is whether we are ready to face this new viral pandemic. It cannot be called a bioterrorism, as this would be an accusation without proof, but it is apparent that the new catastrophes may kill millions of people, greater than world war I or II.
Problem-based learning (PBL) was pioneered as an innovative teaching methodology by Barrows and Tamblyn in 1960 at the McMaster University in Hamilton. So effective was this teaching approach that Thomas Corts of Samford University called PBL "a newly recovered style of learning".1 PBL was later refined and adopted with much broader applications, and in the process received a wider popularity. PBL has stood the tides of time, proving to be highly effective in promoting active learning, collaboration, critical thinking and communication skills in the learners.
The analysis of risk factors associated with tonsillitis in district Mardan, Pakistan
Dost Muhammad Khan , et al
Short Reports
Short Communication
Perceptions about the standards of medical graduates in Pakistan: A brief literature review
Inam Muhammad Baig , et al
Cryptosporidiosis in Children in Duhok City / Kurdistan Region / Iraq
Adel Talib Al-Saeed , et al
Letter to the Editor
Surging use of prescribed opioids among the Pakistani population
Sabir Zaman , et al
Comments on Jahan et al (JPMA 70: 390-393; 2020)
Akbar Shoukat Ali , et al
Response to Comments on Jahan et al (JPMA 70: 390-393; 2020)
Saira Jahan , et al
Pilot Study
Effect of deep breathing exercises in healthy smokers: A pilot study
Noor Abid , et al
Survey Report
Syeda Abida Hussain Sherazi , et al
KAP Study
Recommendations: putting an end to child labour in Pakistan!
Meesha Iqbal , et al
Review Articles
Systematic Review
Competencies of charge nurses: a systematic review and thematic synthesis
Mahbobeh Yaghobian , et al
Narrative Review
Diabetes mellitus and dietary starch in perspective of blood glycaemic control
Abdul Rehman Khan , et al
An unusual cause of anaemia: Rapunzel syndrome, a case report
Aysegul Ertinmaz Ozkan , et al
Acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinopathy: A case report
M. A. Rehman Siddiqui , et al
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